What Will Green Industry Employers See When They Look at Your Social Media Accounts? Why It Matters for Job Seekers

By Green Industry Careers Published on October 9

In today’s digital age, your online presence plays a significant role in the job search process - even in the Landscaping and Green Industry. One of the first things employers do when considering a candidate is check their social media profiles. So, what exactly do employers see when they look at your accounts, and why should you, as a job seeker, care? Let’s dive in!

Why Employers Look at Your Social Media

Employers turn to social media for several reasons when evaluating potential hires. They want to get a sense of who you are beyond your resume and cover letter. Here are some of the things they look for:

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1. Professionalism: They want to see if you maintain a level of professionalism in your public posts. If you’re applying for a role that requires a certain level of decorum or communication skills, your social media presence can be a good indicator of how you conduct yourself. Leading Green Industry employers place a high value on professionalism, even from field employees.

2. Cultural Fit: Employers often assess whether you’d be a good cultural fit for their company. Your posts, likes, shares, and comments can reveal your interests, values, and personality. They look for signs that align with the company’s culture and values.

3. Communication Skills: How you express yourself online can tell a lot about your communication style. Employers look for clear, concise, and positive communication, as it’s a valuable skill in almost any role in the Landscaping and Green Industry.

4. Red Flags: Hiring managers are also on the lookout for any potential red flags, such as discriminatory language, aggressive behavior, excessive partying, or inappropriate content. Anything that could harm the company’s reputation if associated with an employee can be a deal-breaker.

What Potential Employers Might See on Your Social Media

When an employer looks at your social media, they might come across a variety of things that could influence their perception of you as a candidate. Here are some common elements that could make or break your chances:

1. Photos and Videos: Images of you participating in hobbies, sports, or community events can show that you’re well-rounded and engaged. On the other hand, photos that show unprofessional behavior or excessive partying might leave a negative impression.

2. Posts and Comments: Employers pay attention to the kind of content you share and comment on. If your posts are mostly positive and engaging, it can work in your favor. However, negative rants, offensive comments, or anything controversial could hurt your chances.

3. LinkedIn Activity: For professional networking, LinkedIn is a key platform. Employers will often check your LinkedIn profile to see your work history, endorsements, and how active you are in your industry. A complete, professional profile can give you an edge over other candidates.

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4. Public Engagement: Are you involved in meaningful conversations online? Do you participate in industry-related discussions or groups? Active engagement on platforms like X (Twitter) or LinkedIn can show that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about your field.

Why Job Seekers Should Care About Their Social Media Presence

If you’re serious about landing your dream job, it’s important to take your social media presence seriously. Here’s why you should care:

1. It Can Set You Apart: A well-maintained social media profile can help you stand out from the competition. Employers may see you as a proactive individual who takes their personal brand seriously.

2. It’s a Reflection of Your Personal Brand: Like it or not, your online presence is a reflection of your personal brand. By curating your social media profiles to highlight your strengths, skills, and interests, you can shape how potential employers perceive you.

3. Your Privacy Matters: Even if you’re careful about what you post, it’s a good idea to review your privacy settings. Make sure that only your friends or connections can see personal posts that you wouldn’t want potential employers to see. Keep in mind that once something is online, it’s almost impossible to erase entirely.

4. It Can Influence Hiring Decisions: According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process, and 54% have decided not to hire a candidate based on what they found on their social media profiles. This means your online presence can directly impact your job search success.

Tips for Cleaning Up Your Social Media Accounts

If you’re worried that your social media profiles might not be employer-friendly, here are some steps you can take to clean them up:

Remove or Hide Unprofessional Photos: Delete or set to private any photos that could be seen as unprofessional or inappropriate.

Review Your Posts: Go through your old posts and delete anything that could be seen as controversial or offensive.

Check Your Likes and Shares: Be mindful of the content you like or share, as it can also reflect on you.

Update Your LinkedIn Profile: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete, accurate, and professional. Highlight your skills, accomplishments, and endorsements from colleagues.

Google Yourself: Search for your name online to see what comes up. If there’s any content that you wouldn’t want a potential employer to see, take steps to remove it if possible.

Final Thoughts

Your social media presence is more than just a personal space to share your thoughts and pictures; it’s a powerful tool that can help or hinder your job search. Taking the time to polish your profiles and curate your online brand can make a significant difference in how potential employers in the Green Industry perceive you. Remember, first impressions matter, and in today’s digital world, they often happen online before you even step into an interview.

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So, take a few moments to review your social media accounts and ensure they reflect the best version of you. Your future self—and future employer—will thank you for it!