Landscaping & Green Industry Recruiting

Need more than a job post? Our partners at BR1 specialize in Green Industry recruiting, and can help with crew level, professional roles, and executive searches.

A note from BR1

BR1 is the premiere recruiting firm for the landscaping and green industry. We are retained by our clients from across the country to recruit talented and high-potential individuals for a wide-range of positions. We conduct crew level, professional, and executive searches. All positions are permanent direct hire. Our team is committed to providing an excellent client and candidate experience, and doing whatever we can to help you find your team.

Recruiting done differently

Unlike most recruiters who charge 20-25% of your hire's first year salary, BR1's flat fee pricing options are a fraction of the cost.

The best candidates aren't always searching job boards. BR1's recruiters target both active and passive candidates.

BR1 knows the Green Industry, its labor market, and is a proud member of these associations:

  • NALP - National Association of Landscape Professionals
  • SIMA - Snow & Ice Management Association
  • MNLA - Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association
  • SBAM - Small Business Association of Michigan

BR1 works with Green Industry clients and candidates across the country.

  • Landscaping
  • Lawn care
  • Irrigation
  • Horticulture
  • Arboriculture
  • Hardscaping
  • Tree services
  • Green Industry suppliers
  • And more...

No organization can grow faster than its ability to recruit and retain enough of the right people! Please contact us to start the conversation.